small mammals, large mammals, cartography, scientific dissemination, protection
The outcrop of the Tertiary aged materials (Miocene?-Pliocene) along the Gormaget ravine, with well known paleontological mammal sites (i.g. Alcoy-Barranco, Alcoy-N, Alcoy-4B, Alcoy-2, Alcoi Barranc Sud, Alcoi Forn, Alcoi Cristian and Alcoy Mina) constitues a complex of high paleontological value wich remains under recognized within the protected Sierra de Mariola Natural Park where is situated. Based on the natural protected areas laws of the Valencian Community (Spain), the aim of this work is to propose the establishment of a protected Municipal Natural Site along the Gormaget ravine (municipalities of Alcoi and Cocentaina, Alicante). In this work we implemented a georreferenced database suitable for producing a series of maps using GIS tools in order to elaborate technical documents included in the Decreto 15/2016 of the Valencian government on natural municipal protected areas (parajes naturales municipales) from the Valencian Community.
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