The International Congress on Stratigraphy – STRATI 2013 follows the decision to internationalize
the STRATI conferences previously organized by the French Committee of Stratigraphy, the last one of
which was held in Paris in 2010. Thus, the Congress possesses both the momentum gained from an
established conference event and the excitement of being the first International Congress on
Stratigraphy. It is being held under the auspices of the International Commission on Stratigraphy
(IUGS), and it is envisaged that this first Congress will lead to others being held in the future.
Author Biographies
Rogério Rocha
Departamento de Ciências da Terra
Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Engenharia Geológica
João Pais
Departamento de Ciências da Terra
Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Engenharia Geológica
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