Teaching of Stratigraphy, geological heritage and Geoethics. State of the art
Stratigraphy is one of the most remarkable geoscientific disciplines. Many activities related to stratigraphy have extremely significant implications in geoeducation and geological heritage, and also require a geoethical approach. This contribution provides a short and general review regarding these three subjects their relation with Stratigraphy. If geoscience education is a key factor in the academic, scientific and professional progress of any modern society, geoethics is gaining a great importance with the emergence of topics such as the Anthropocene, marking the evidence and extent of human activities and their possible significant global impact. Likewise, geological heritage are geological features with global, national, or local importance and geological sites that represent processes (magmatic segregation, metamorphism, dissolution, weathering, etc.) or a testimony of the of Earth’s history (palaeontology, global tectonics, sea level, stratigraphy). Geoeducation, geological hertitage and geoethics are three pillars which are of crucial importance, and which must be jointly considered. Keywords: Geoscience education, geological heritage, geoethics, state-of-the-artDownloads