Ciências da Terra is a prestigious publication that started to be published in 1976 in the area of Earth Sciences that recently gather a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from CrossRef that will guaranty the perenniality of the electronic version of papers. More than 250 scientific papers, most of them highly cited in other high impact factor journals. From now the serial numbers with ISSN (both for printed and electronic versions) will continue to publish original peer reviewed paper; this is an edition completely for free for authors. From the Special Numbers with ISSN formerly published in an occasionally basis, they will publish papers submitted and accepted for presentation in international meetings of Geosciences which organizations experience difficulties to publish these works.


  • Ciências da Terra / Earth Sciences Journal

    The Ciências da Terra – Earth Sciences Journal is a semiannual, electronical, open access, peer-reviewed publication that aims at publish original research articles and synthesis of high-quality in the area of Earth Sciences (Geology, Palaeontology, Geophysics and Engineer Geology) which constitute the main section of the journal. In a second Special Section, it is also intended to be published essays and short papers (e.g. synthesis of recently approved PhD thesis) accordingly to the Author Guidelines.
    Ciências da Terra is a Registered Mark of NOVA.ID.FCT.